What We Do
Valley Enterprises Ltd. Snow Removal substantially invests in personnel, materials and vehicles, including site dedicated loaders, skid steers, and plow and salt spreading trucks.

Areas of Service
If you do not see an area that you need serviced, reach out to one of our customer specialists to discuss a customized plan.
Private and City Sidewalks
Wooden Walkways
Parking Lots- Schools, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Provincial
Roof and ramp access parking garages
Loading Bays and Entrances
Federal Restricted Access Areas
Our salt service protocols include a full salt service outside of regular working hours to have properties managed for the next business day if temperatures are met or forecasted up to 3 hours prior.
Our strategy is to have a pre-salt layer down before the snow to prevent bonding should the temperatures drop. If the required amount of snow does fall within contract parameters, we will begin a full plow service.
In a single snow event, a post salt service will clear any remaining snow and prevent icing, but will remain monitored complimentary if further action is required.
In a major snow event, which is characterised as a multi day snowfall, pre salting and post salting procedures may be paused as to not waste material from being plowed off. This method saves you money and leaves less of an impact on the environment.

Materials Used
Valley Enterprises Ltd. is happy to customize the materials used on a site dependent on the location to green spaces, waterways, bylaws, and your preference.
Materials available are:
Rock Salt
by lbs or bag​
Ice Melt
Jet Blue SMART MELT™ de-icing technology
Mountain Organic Natural™ Icemelter
Our Fleet
Valley Enterprises Ltd. is proud to have one of the largest owned snow fleets in the Lower Mainland.
This includes:
Variable Speed Salt Spreaders
Brine Tanks
2010 or newer trucks with equipped with plows
BOSS Drag Plows ( thrilled to own 5 units this season)
Front Loaders
Quads/ UTVs
Power Brooms

Reports and Response Time
Our detailed job reports clearly state the time and product used to service a site. No more wondering if that contractor you hired really took all night to plow your parking lot and sidewalks!
Should you need to contact Valley Enterprises Ltd during a storm event, our call center operates 24/7 during snow and ice storms.
Reaction time to your needs is always immediate. We actively follow local weather patterns across the entire Lower Mainland to ensure snow and ice events are fully managed by our teams.
Site Knowledge
After our area supervisors collect data regarding your site, we strategize the most efficient use of resources and time management needed to keep your location safe and operating.
Additional information is gathered to guarantee proper snow piling, drainage, median, and speed bump locations. We create proprietary maps for each site to include service areas, notes, boundaries, and hazards.
Photographs are taken at the start and throughout the season to stay up to date on any changes that may occur.